Sunday 12 February 2012

Host of Chinese New Year celebration

Last week I was too busy on prep, and don't really have time to update the blog, this week I finally have time, because half term has just started.

Last weekend, I was chosen to be one of the hosts of the activity night - Chinese New Year Celebration.

There were about 200 people participated the celebration, we have got pupils from different schools, Broughton high school, Leith Academy and Edinburgh Academy. It was a ceremonious celebration, we sit together and enjoyed a big chinese meal and enjoyed some spectacular performances from different school.

The activity was very successful, and we being the hosts have received a lot of compliment.

Cas hours: 3 hours

In this activity, I have exploited more about my own ability, I was once very afraid of speaking in front of big crowds. However, after that night I realised that I am quite a good speaker, and of course I have done a lot of preparation before hand, in order to make it that successful.

Sunday 29 January 2012

3 consecutive basketball game against Merchiston, Edinburgh Academy and Strathallan

The redemption -Merchiston
The week before, my team was beaten by this team by 4 points, it was utterly frustrating, so this is the redemption game. We have tried to play hard and play together as a team, we practised tatics, before this game. We start off the game with a 18 to 6 run, cruising the Merchiston, at last we won by 29 points. I had a double- double 16 points and 11 assists.

The Academy game
This was the only away game that we played in the week. We played against the Edinburgh academy, there was a lot of conflict happened between my players and their players, the game became really physical, we won the game at last, by 27, I scored 13. Nonetheless, my knee was injured while I was being intentionally tackle by another player of the Academy.

This was quite an easy game, I didn't play much due to the injury, but still scored 11, at last we beat them by 21

Friday 2 December 2011

Basketball Match against Strathallen

This is a late post about a basketball game, which I have done a month ago. During that time I still haven't decided what to do for CAS project.

It was a great home game, my team has beaten Strathallen by 34 points, it was a really great win. The team has played with tremendous effort, so we came up with the win. I have scored 15 points of the 52 points that the team scored.


Basketball is always my favorite sports, that is why I have picked is as my Action. Although, I have performed very well in this game, but I think I can do better, I will need to work on my physical ability and explosiveness. I have already set myself a timetable to work out in gym, in the hope of bringing myself to the next level.

-Increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth
- Worked collaboratively with others

Monday 28 November 2011

sleep out on George street - Rocktrust charity

Last friday, more than a hundred pupils from the sixth form, participated a charity activity, called sleep out on George street, I was one of the participants. The event was organised by an organisation called Rock trust, it is one of Edinburgh’s oldest charities working with people who are homeless. The target of the activity is to increase awareness of the society on homeless people, they are a part of the Social vulnerable groups, and they need our help.

In this activity my friend and I had the chance to experience the feeling of being homeless people. Friday night, we walked from the school to the sleep out location, we were holding food, paper boxes, thermal packs, sleep bags.

As we have arrived, there was smattering of light rain and it was really cold, nearly 4 Celsius. I started to get the feeling of homeless, and realised how lucky I am. However, we were much better than real homeless people. There was free coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits provided, and we were allowed to order pizza, which was quite decent. It was so hard to sleep, my sleeping bag and paper box was soaking wet, rain kept dropping on to my head, which I found it really irritating. It was a tough and arduous night for most of us, we are juveniles who have barely seen what is going on in the society, and we live in shelters, studying in private school, having good food everyday.

Sometimes, the world is really not fair, some people are born to be rich, healthy and living in a pleasant environment, nonetheless, some people are unfortunate, homeless, born with illness, living in poverty. I believe I am one the more fortunate ones, having my parents paying 20 thousand pounds to study abroad, having shelters, when it is cold, I can turn on the radiator. This  time I have experienced the way that homeless people live their life, without shelter while it is raining, can't afford to buy new clothes to overcome the desperate and cold winters. This activity has quite a big influence on me, I will treasure every moment and everything I have right now. Every time, when I want to waste food, waste electricity, I would think about these unfortunate people, this experience. Throughout this trip I have under taken new challenges, worked collaboratively with others, while I was locating my sleeping bag, considered the ethical implications of my actions and engaged with issues of global importance.

CAS hours completes: 9 and a half hours (service)