Sunday 12 February 2012

Host of Chinese New Year celebration

Last week I was too busy on prep, and don't really have time to update the blog, this week I finally have time, because half term has just started.

Last weekend, I was chosen to be one of the hosts of the activity night - Chinese New Year Celebration.

There were about 200 people participated the celebration, we have got pupils from different schools, Broughton high school, Leith Academy and Edinburgh Academy. It was a ceremonious celebration, we sit together and enjoyed a big chinese meal and enjoyed some spectacular performances from different school.

The activity was very successful, and we being the hosts have received a lot of compliment.

Cas hours: 3 hours

In this activity, I have exploited more about my own ability, I was once very afraid of speaking in front of big crowds. However, after that night I realised that I am quite a good speaker, and of course I have done a lot of preparation before hand, in order to make it that successful.